Economic Development



CO.STARTERS is a nine-week, cohort-based program that equips aspiring entrepreneurs with the insights, relationships, and tools needed to turn ideas into action and turn a passion into a sustainable and thriving endeavor. CO.STARTERS provides an action-driven, collaborative process with a small and supportive group of like-minded people. Over nine weeks, you’ll identify your assumptions about why and how your businesses will work and then talk to customers in order to validate your ideas. This approach enables you to rapidly uncover flaws in your concept and find viable models more quickly. You’ll leave the program with a deeper understanding of how to create a sustainable business, articulate your model, and repeat the process with your next great idea. CO. STARTERS will be The Butler Innovation Lab flagship program.

Click here to download the CO.STARTERS Application. Completed applications can be sent to: 

Community Partnership 
C/O Sandra Curry 
122 Mccune Dr Building 8,
Butler, PA 16001


New and growing businesses represent the principal sources of job creation. A healthy and growing business community brings more opportunities for economic advancement for families and an increased quality of life. Communities with vibrant economic and social systems offer low income individuals and families greater opportunities to shape the future of their communities.

Veterans in Agriculture Grant

This project seeks to provide capital funding to for-profit agricultural businesses owned and operated by veterans in the state of Pennsylvania. Community Partnership’s focus is on new and/or beginning veteran-run farms that have been in operation for less than two years.  Veteran Farmers may request up to $10,000 in grant funding from CP.

Our program is built on a combination of business education, production education, and access to start-up capital. All selected farmers will participate in a farm-focused, 13-week business education class and agree to periodic check-ins with our program staff during the grant period. Farms may also participate in a specialty crop production education series. Selected farms will also agree to participate in the evaluation of the grant program.

CP Has awarded nine (9) Veteran Farmers through the Grant for the year of 2023!